University Participation in Cis-Lunar Space

University Participation in Cis-Lunar Space

Cis-Lunar Space: Research for Today, Training for Tomorrow

March 23, 2023 | 1PM

Holiday Inn Washington Capitaol – Nat’l Mall

The event recording is now available.

How Can Evolving Cis-Lunar Capabilities Contribute to Science, Commerce, and Security? This symposium will explore accelerating activity in Cislunar space and what it means for future scientific advances, research opportunities, and the future of the Cislunar ecosystem.


1:00 P.M. Welcome and Introductory Remarks

  • JEFF ISAACSON, USRA President and CEO
  • SCOTT PACE, Director, Space Policy Institute, George Washington University

1:10 P.M. Frederick A. Tarantino Memorial Address

  • ROBERT CABANA, Associate Administrator, NASA

1:45 P.M. Coffee Break

2:00 P.M. Cislunar Technical Challenges and Opportunities

Accelerating activity in Cislunar space necessitates new scientific advances in energy, communications, and logistics. Space is also becoming an arena for technological shows of economic and military force. Panelists will discuss the technical challenges and opportunities in the coming decades.

  • NANTEL SUZUKI, NASA Human Landing System Program Executive
  • BADRI YOUNES, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation
  • LINDSAY MILLARD, Principal Director for Space, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
  • EMMA RAINEY, Senior Scientist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

3:15 P.M. Coffee Break

3:45 P.M. Commercial Innovations and Opportunities in Cislunar Space:

Panelists will provide insight for universities preparing for near-term government and commercial research opportunities in cislunar space. With rapidly increasing spaceflight activities in cislunar space, attendees will hear from government and commercial sector leaders about upcoming innovations and potential opportunities for their respective institutions in space research and development.

  • VINT CERF, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
  • JUSTIN KASPER, Advanced Technologies, BWX Technologies, Inc.
  • CURTIS HERNANDEZ, Principal for Space Policy, Amazon Web Services
  • DAN HENDRICKSON, Vice President of Business Development, Astrobotic

5:00 P.M. Invitation to the Reception

BRIAN GILCHRIST, Chair, USRA Council of Institutions


Registration is required to attend all parts of the event.

This is a “widely-attended gathering” for U.S. government employees. There is no fee for attending, but registration is required. Early registration is encouraged due to limited seating space.