SPI Students Tour Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Meet with Chirag Parikh, Executive Secretary of National Space Council

On November 30th, SPI students and faculty toured the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) and met with Chirag Parikh, Executive Secretary of the National Space Council.

Students gained insights into the National Space Council and saw firsthand what its like to work in the EEOB in support of the Executive Branch.

The National Space Council provided an in-depth tour for SPI, and shared the EEOB’s history, the significance of its rooms, and illuminating anecdotes.

Students thoroughly enjoyed the tour, left inspired and invigorated, and thank the organizers for arranging it.

SPI Students Meet with Chirag Parikh, Executive Secretary of the National Space Council
SPI Students Tour Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Pictured in Indian Treaty Room
Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building
Eisenhower Executive Office Building