The session, titled “Shaping Space Acquisitions for the Future Force”, was part of an ongoing series of Space Group Breakfasts. Dr. Pace was joined by moderator Steven Isakowitz, President and Chief Executive Office at Aerospace Corporation, and Maj. Gen. Roger Teague, Director of Space Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Acquisitions.
Category: Testimony, Presentations and Panel Appearances
Dr. Henry Hertzfeld Featured as Panelist in Space Law at 50: Past, Present and Future
Dr. Hertzfeld discussed “The Outer Space Treaty and Its Impact on Space Law”, which focused on the Outer Space Treaty, its impacts during the last fifty years on space development, and the future of the Treaty in the context of the revitalization of space exploration. The program was hosted by The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Steven M. Schneebaum International Law Society and SAIS International Law and Organizations Program.
Dr. John Logsdon to be Featured in “Fight for Space”
Dr. Logsdon will provide expert commentary in the documentary exploring the past, present, and future state of the U.S. space program. “Fight for Space” will also feature appearances by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jim Lovell, Story Musgrave, Rick Tumlinson, Robert Zubrin, James Muncy, Marcia B. Smith, Bill Nye, Gene Kranz, and Jeff Greason.
Dr. John Logsdon Delivers Presentation on Upcoming Publication
Dr. John Logsdon provided a progress talk on his next novel, tentatively titled, “Ronald Reagan and the Space Frontier” at the National Air and Space Museum.
Will Collaboration or Competition Propel Humans to Mars and Beyond?
Dr. Pace was featured in a panel titled “Will Collaboration or Competition Propel Humans to Mars and Beyond?” at the offices of New America in Washington, DC.
SPI Hosts Dr. Bleddyn Bowen for Space Warfare Lecture
Dr. Bowen’s remarks, titled The Wrath of Mahan Invite: Space Warfare on the Cosmic Coastline”, explored the modern military forces’ reliance on space systems to provide communications and precision-strike capabilities. Dr. Bowen, a former SPI visiting scholar, is currently a lecturer at teh Defence Studies Department, King’s College London, which is based at the Joint Services Command and Staff College, UK Defence Academy.
Dr. Henry Hertzfeld Delivers Keynote at 2016 International Law Review Symposium
Dr. Hertzfeld’s presentation titled, “Up, Up, and Away: Space Law and Upcoming Uses of Outer Space” was delivered at Michigan State University College of Law’s 2016 International Law Review Symposium.
Dr. Pace Featured in Panel at Von Braun Space Symposium
Dr. Scott Pace spoke on a panel at the 9th Annual Werner Von Braun Space Symposium in Huntsville, AL on October 26, 2016. Read more HERE.
“What is at stake in space?”
In preparatino for the 2017 International Astronautical Congress, Dr. Pace was asked by the International Astronautical Federation to comment on the topic of “What is at stake in space?”
“The U.S. Military and Commercial Space Industry”
Dr. Pace was featured as a panelist for a Center for Strategic and International Studies Aerospace Security Project event discussing how the U.S. military can better leverage commercial space capabilities and what policy measures can be taken to support a thriving U.S. commercial space industry. You can listen to and/or watch the panel HERE.