[Recordings posted] Prof. Scott Pace and Adjunct Prof. John J. Klein, speak at “The 25th International Symposium on Security Affairs” hosted by National Institute for Defense Studies(NIDS)

On-site speakers from left to right: Dr. Yasuhito Fukushima(NIDS), Dr. John J. Klein(SPI/GWU), Dr. Kevin Pollpeter(DAF), Dr. Bleddyn Bowen(Durham University), Dr. Scott Pace(SPI/GWU), Dr. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan (Australian Strategic Policy Institute), Dr. Kazuto Suzuki(University of Tokyo), Dr. Setsuko Aoki(Keio University), Dr. Xavier Pasco (Foundation for Strategic Research), Masafumi Iida(NIDS)

The 25th International Symposium on Security Affairs” was held on December 11, 2024 hosted by the National Institute for Defense Studies(NIDS) in Japan. NIDS is a research institution under the Ministry of Defense (MOD) of Japan and serves as a think tank and academic research body focused on security, defense policy, and military strategy.

Prof. Scott Pace kicked off the event with a Keynote Speech, and Prof. John J. Klein attended a panel discussion on “Changes in the Strategic Environment in the Space Domain “

Please find the recordings here

Prof. Pace’s Keynote speech here

Prof. Pace’s panel discussion starts here from 23:56.

Prof. Klein’s panel discussion starts here from 21:50.

Prof. Scott Pace presented at the Cislunar PNT Workshop in Vienna, Austria entitled: The Road Ahead: From Cislunar PNT to the Solar System Internet.

The presentation was part of the UNOOSA/International Committee on GNSS, Workshop on Cislunar Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) held on 11 – 13 February 2025 at the Vienna International Centre, Austria.

Please find Dr. Pace’s presentation slides here

Please find the Workshop Agenda here

SPI Professor Pascale Ehrenfreund Presides 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Busan

COSPAR-2024 Panel Photo

COSPAR 2024: Team Spirit in Space Research

In her role as President of the Committee on Space Research, Prof. Pascale Ehrenfreund attended the 45 th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Busan, Korea, held from 13 to 21 July. This prestigious event brought together more than 3,000 experts and leaders from 55 countries in all major fields of space science, under the theme “Team Spirit in Space Research”. COSPAR’s biennial Scientific Assembly, actively supported by major space organizations, is a benchmark for fostering dialogue and collaboration within the global space science community. Of particular note this time was the showcasing of the newly-formed Korea Aerospace Administration (KASA), with the participation of Youngbin Yoon, Administrator of KASA, in the Opening Ceremony Roundtable. Youngbin Yoon shared his vision of the future of space activity in Korea, and the discussions on the next decade of space science programs from each agency was a highlight of the Assembly.

For the first time ever, COSPAR brought together space leaders from KASA, NASA, China National Space Administration, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (ISAS/JAXA), and the UAE Space Agency. Another significant highlight of this Assembly was the introduction of COSPAR’s new community-driven Space-Weather Roadmap (https://iswat-cospar.org/). Presented by a consortium of hundreds of scientists led by COSPAR’s Panel on Space Weather, this roadmap provides key recommendations for the global space weather community. Space sustainability gained traction as a major recurring theme, underscoring our collective responsibility to ensure the long-term viability of space activities. The COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection, a reference in upholding the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and providing accepted guidelines on planetary protection, presented the recently updated Planetary Protection Policy. COSPAR 2024 underscored COSPAR’s commitment to international regional diversity and dedication to shaping the future of the global space eco-system.

SPI Director Scott Pace Participated in US Delegation to UN COPUOS in Vienna

SPI Director Dr. Scott Pace attended the annual meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in Vienna on June 19-29. Dr. Pace was part of the United States delegation to COPUOS.

You can find a full list of statements delivered by the US delegation at the following link: https://vienna.usmission.gov/the-usa-at-the-67th-session-of-the-un-committee-on-the-peaceful-uses-of-outer-space-june-2024/

SPI Director Scott Pace Part of Panel Discussion in Humans to Mars Summit 2024

SPI Director Professor Scott Pace took part in a panel discussion on the topic of Chinese space exploration, titled “When Will China Send Humans to the Moon and Mars?”.

The panel took place in the second day of the Humans to Mars Summit 2024, organized by Explore Mars and hosted at the George Washington University in May 2024. 

You can follow the entire discussion below:

Headshot of Professor Scott Pace

SPI Director Dr. Scott Pace Participates in UN Working Group “Dynamic Coalition on the Interplanetary Internet”

SPI Director Dr. Scott Pace will participate in the Dynamic Coalition on the Interplanetary Internet (DC-Interplanetary), a working group which will assemble during the next UN Internet Governance Forum meeting in Saudi Arabia.

The United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups in discussions on digital public policy. While it does not produce negotiated outcomes, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. As a year-round process, the IGF includes policy, outreach, and community and capacity-building activities, all dedicated to facilitating a common understanding of how to maximise digital opportunities and address digital risks and challenges. IGF intersessional work culminates in annual meetings, where delegates discuss current and critical issues, share good practices and exchange policy recommendations with one another. The IGF’s resulting outputs are transmitted to global and national decision-making bodies.

The Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG) envisions a common network environment even in space will empower science, exploration and commercialization activities which will all become a benefit for humanity. This suggests a need for a governance ecosystem toward the establishment, operation and use of the Interplanetary Internet. In 2023, IPNSIG released a report laying out recommendations on governance of how the Interplanetary Internet ecosystem can be realized which can be used as a basis for future discussions at the “Dynamic Coalition on the Interplanetary Internet”.

Headshot of Professor Scott Pace