Category: Event
Book Launch: China and the new Moon Race, featuring author Dean Cheng (SPI non-resident scholar)
Thank you for joining us on the discussion with author Dean Cheng, SPI non-resident scholar, on the topic of his latest book, “China and the new Moon Race”
Click HERE to download the pdf version of the Book!

- Tuesday, January 14 · 3:00pm – 4:30pm EST
- Location: Elliot School of International Affairs, 1957 E St NW suite 602
Book Launch: Space Warfare Strategy, Principles, and Policy
Thank you for join us on the panel discussion with author John J. Klein(SPI Professor), Col. William Sanders* and Dr. Peter L. Hays(SPI Professor), on the topic of his latest book release on Space Warfare. (Wednesday, October 9th at 11:00 AM)
Event was moderated by Dr. Scott Pace, Director of the Space Policy Institute.
Posted the video of the recordings.
*The views presented by Col. Sanders are his own views and do not represent those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, or US Space Force.

Commercial Developments in Low Earth Orbit: Challenges and Opportunities
September 6, 2024
Administration Officials Discuss Commercial Development in Space
Debating National Security Space
The Space Policy Institute and The Aerospace Corporation hosted the first event in a new debate series, focused on national security space issues. The event took place on Thursday, August 29th, 2024 at the Elliott School of International Affairs and consisted of two debates.
The first debate, titled “High Ground or High Fantasy: Defense Utility of Cislunar Space” featured Namrata Goswami and Bleddyn Bowen, and was moderated by Sam Wilson. The second debate, titled “Exotic Space Warfighting: Importance of Sustained Maneuver” featured Benjamin Staats and Thomas G. Roberts, and was moderated by Aaron Bateman.
If you were unable to join us in person or follow the event live, please find below a full recording of the event:
International Cooperation in Deep Space Exploration
Save the date for our upcoming expert-level conference on the topic of international cooperation in deep space exploration.
The form to express your interest in attending the conference will be available soon. Please note that space is limited.
For further inquiries, please contact

Book Launch: The Oxford Handbook of Space Security
Date and time
Symposium on Space Nuclear Technology – Research and Development for Evolving Space Missions

New Perspectives on China’s Approach to Emerging Technologies – March 7th, 2024

The Space Policy Institute co-hosted with the Institute for International Science & Technology Policy on March 7th for a discussion on New Perspectives on China’s Approach to Emerging Technologies.
China’s investment in emerging technologies with both civil and military applications has captured headlines around the world. From artificial intelligence to reusable spacecraft, Beijing intends to be a world leader in many of the technologies that have significant implications for military power and economic competitiveness. This panel featured three internationally recognized experts on China’s policies concerning space, cyber conflict, and artificial intelligence.
- 12:00 PM Opening Remarks from Professor Scott Pace, Director of SPI & IISTP
- 12:10 PM Panel discussion
- Professor Fiona Cunningham, University of Pennsylvania
- Professor Lincoln Hines, Georgia Tech
- Professor Jeffrey Ding, George Washington University
- Moderated by SPI Professor Aaron Bateman
Note: This event was a hybrid event: in-person & virtual event, see the recorded video below.
Space Seminar: Transatlantic Cooperation on Space Technology and Policy in the Arctic
On November 15 and 16 2023, the Space Policy Institute welcomed distinguished members of the US and Norwegian space communities to a seminar dedicated to transatlantic cooperation on space technology and policy in the Arctic region.

The two day-event offered a strategic outlook for the transatlantic partnership, including elements such as civil-military cooperation and dual use technologies, access to space as a strategic asset, and space exploration. Panelists shared success stories of international collaboration between Norway and the United states, both bilaterally and multilaterally under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.