SPI Non-Resident Scholar Deganit Paikowsky Featured at Prague Security Studies Institute Event

The Prague Security Studies Institute invites you to a public guest lecture with Dr. Deganit Paikowsky, faculty at the Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a Non-Resident Scholar at the Space Policy Institute of the Elliott School for Foreign Affairs, George Washington University, who will deliver an online guest lecture entitled “The New Space Race and Models of Space Competition” on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 5:00 PM Prague time (Central European time). 

Dr. Paikowsky will argue that the future space race will be won not only by those whose technological advancements are superior but by those whose economic, legal, social, and political institutions are most innovative, attractive, and favored to other spacefaring nations and entities. In this respect, the United States has an early lead over China and Russia, but it has a long way to go in winning this contest. 

Please confirm your registration here, by May 15, 2023.

More information is available here.