SPI Director, Dr. Scott Pace, Quoted in The Japan Times Article Examining U.S.-Japan Space Alliance

SPI director, Dr. Scott Pace, was quoted in an article in The Japan Times regarding the U.S.-Japan space alliance.

The article examines the framework agreement signed January 13, 2023. The pact is the product of a decade of negotiations and deepens U.S.-Japan space relations, augments collaboration efforts, and streamlines the processes for future negotiations. The alliance provides a bedrock for cooperation beyond low-Earth orbit, and builds upon decades of mutually beneficial space partnerships.

The Japan Times piece analyzes this relationship, provides context for the agreement, and considers future implications.

“Rather than negotiating separate international agreements for each case of space cooperation, the framework provides an ‘umbrella’ structure under which specific, technical implementing agreements can be created.”

Dr. Scott Pace
Image: U.S. Department of State